Synonym: later. Similar words: stand by, by and large, by any means, by air, hardly any, by all means, by accident, flamboyant. Meaning: adv. at some eventual time in the future by-and-by. n. an indefinite time in the future.
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1. Summer vacation will come by and by.
2. They'll be arriving by and by.
3. She will be better by and by.
4. By and by a man appeared.
5. By and by she met an old man with a beard.
6. By and by electricity will take the place of coal.
6. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
7. By and by Penelope remembered her duties as hostess.
8. I was promised the pie in the sky by and by.
9. He'll come round by and by.
10. By and by he saw a man playing the bagpipes - Tweedle - dum, tweedle - dee.
11. By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness.
12. By and by Aleck subscribed to a Chicago daily and for the WALL STREET POINTER.
13. By and by, Margaret timidly stole near him, as if waiting to console.
14. They got scorched out by and by, and drearily set about getting breakfast.
15. By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story.
16. By and by Feathertop paused, and throwing himself into an imposing attitude,[] seemed to summon the fair girl to survey his figure and resist him longer if she could.
17. By and by papa got too handy with his hickory and I couldn't stand it.
18. By and by, however , " fervent " gave way to " prosaic ".
19. By and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely preceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.
20. They found them, by and by, and were hospitably received and well treated.
21. By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object.
22. By and by we shall discuss these matters with minuteness.
23. It will come all the easier to like him by and by when we are all together.
24. And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.
25. At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.
26. At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by the neglected the passage of time.
27. At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection angist the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.
28. thei adhere about in the appearance boilerplate while newer cossack trend came by and by.
29. I do everything naturally. Because I'm a musical teacher, so I have to give a concert. Then I must prepair my glad rags . By and by, the fashion designer is my parergon.
More similar words: stand by, by and large, by any means, by air, hardly any, by all means, by accident, flamboyant, day and night.